Foreign bodies in the ear and nose tend to be placed there by curious children. Â Common items include small toys, buttons, crayons, batteries, insects and particles of food.
Children under six or mentally ill adults are those most likely to experience foreign bodies in the ear and nose.
Consult a physician to safely remove obstructions without causing further damage or even suffocation. Â Removal can be painful as well, and you can trust a physician to know the best method to employ. Physicians might use an instrument to remove the item through the natural opening or even magnets or suction to coax the object out.
Magnets and small batteries in the ear or nose constitute a true ENT (ear, nose, and throat) emergency. It is best to let a physician assess how to remove objects that seem innocently lodged, as repetitive efforts can push the item further into the cavity and cause more harm, and even death.
Treatment for foreign objects in the ear or nose is available now at Newport Urgent Care in Newport Beach, CA.
For more information on ear and nose foreign bodies, see the following websites:
eMedicine – foreign bodies, ear and nose
Web MD – foreign bodies, ear and nose
American Family Physician article on Foreign Bodies in the Ear, Nose and Throat
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